Sunday, April 27, 2014

SOS Brigade wrote a history!

After epic matches, we actually made it! Both PH and Top players couldn't resist our uber Team Work Skill. I want to congratulate all players who spent their time and effort! 

Also "player of the match" award goes to Elbretore:

Top players vs SOS Brigade

                                                                             PH Beaters vs SOS Brigade

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Useful Sites

Almost full list of Quiz Questions :

Alternative Sorcerer and Mystic Guide:

Leveling Angels


Until Main Hero lvl 60

  • Screenshot 2014-04-24 21.44.19.pngUntil level 50, you main angel should be focused! (note: these advices are all based on and should be applied for Angel Boadicea)
  • When you hit level 50, you should start level your “Guardian Angels” to lvl 30 or 20 what their limits without upgrade
  • When you reach angels limit you have to stock lvl 3 holy crystal to upgrade your guardian angels. So at this point we have to farm "Umbral Portal" in Dragon Nest map. Every they you can invest 30 stamina and hope get maximum amount of crystal gain.
  • While you are waiting to upgrade your guardian angels you make sure your Main Angel be at lvl 40, while collecting crystal focus her to lvl 50. Warning: Do not make red your guardian angel until your main angel reach lvl 50.(because you need to collect 90 lvl 4 holy crystals to synth them to 30 lvl 5 holy crystals.)
  • Boardicea should be your first red angel. Don’t bother other angels to upgrade to red while you are using them as a main angel(waste of crystals)
  • Briefly: Bond your main angel up lvl 40 > upgrade main angel to red = bond your guardian angels up to 20-30 > bond main angel until lvl 50 > bond guardian angle  up to lvl 40 = upgrade your main angel lvl 50 with (30 lvl 5  holy crystals) > upgrade gardian angle to red

Main Hero lvl 60 and after

  • Until to get title Marques ; bond boadicea until lvl 60 and collect lvl 4 and lvl 5 holy crystals as much as possible..

  • When you finally reach title Marques which is needed for Nyssa, you can purchase Nyssa from Arena shop. After that point, you need about 70 lvl 5 holy crystals to inhert Boadicea with the new angel NYSSA to turn her into your new main angel. (Important thing, you should have collected ALL lvl 5 holy crystals before inherit. Otherwise you can only inherit nyssa to lvl 40 not lvl 60 )

  • To collect lvl5 crystal there are 2 way to do it :
    • 1st you can grind in all Nibelung areas. Last part of map spesificly drop crystal but level requirement is to high before you that you can blitz all this map’s area. But I have to warn that drop % is really low. So basicly grind all areas until you open last area of Nibelung.


  • Screenshot 2014-04-24 23.21.22.png2nd you can farm "Sacred Elementalis" in Flamesburg 30 times per a day to obtain lvl 4 holy crystals. So you can synth them into lvl 5 holy crystals (slightly better but consume gold which you need the most in game). Personally I prefer 1st one, bacause you need gold to invest to recruit red heroes later.

  • If you get Nyssa before you get Boadicea lvl 60, DO NOT LEVEL NYSSA. Also Do not level up when you reach lvl60 with boadicea. Level your guardian angels up while you are waiting for inherit boadicea with nyssa

  • Briefly: As soon as possible inherit Boa with Nyssa when you collect 70 lvl 5 crystals = Bond your main angel up lvl 60 > bond your guardian angels up to lvl 50 > bond your main angel Nyssa (after inherit) up to lvl 70 = upgrade guardian angel

Battle Formations

For general formation is:  (for Angel Boadicea)

Nether King
Main Hero
Nether King
Main Hero (Sorc/Mystic)

For Eternal Spine and Zodiac fights (also maybe for hard Erebus fights)

Nether King
N.Sentinel (1)
Main Hero
  • Dodge gems and strong hero attributes boost us for critical matches. As long as you stay alive your healer and DPS (majorly gain more attack lands from angel) close the deal. Some tricky situation is some of enemy attack behind first middle line, for that you can move N.Sentinel up left corner. You should watch your fights learn how to act..

For PVP: This formation is perfect for warriors, mages loose some atk bonuses for safety.

Main Hero
Nether King
  • ·         This formation greatly save middle back spot by your main hero. Otherwise general formation cause suffer for DPS (at least for Sorcerer and Mystic)

Neith World Boss Formation:

Nether King
Nether King
Main Hero
Main Hero (Sorc/Mystic)


  • With this formation you can sure your hero die last and increase dmg out put for world boss. You can use djinni as a meat shield, heal pretty much useless in world boss.

Hero and Mount Training/Upgrade


  • Orange Heroes and Mount should be trained until ODIN FORCE + 1 to balanced total team (max out as much as possible Purple Heroes before recruit Orange Heroes)
  • After that you can work out your Main Hero to POSEIDON FLUX then keep to the end which is really hard to reach ZEUS OPUS


  • First of all you try to upgrade to +3 to level up heroes skill
  • Secondly mount related directly your main hero so upgrade it +9 to increase % of attributes
After that you can work hard, heroes should be up +6 and mount up to +12 .

Friday, April 25, 2014


Most of players use as:
  • ·         Main Tank: Nether King (The best main tank until lvl61, high upgrade capacity and self-healing ability) 

    •  Off Tank: Personally Shadowraith > Zweihender. They have both medicore upgrade capacity and dps ability but Shadow has shield ability which is %100 up for every rage turn. On the other hands Zwei has %50 get in counter attack status.  But decision is yours.
    • So from at the begining the route should be fallowed for tanks : Rose Knight < Zweihender < Shadowraith < Nether King

  • ·         Healer: Hands down for Djinni, with right amount of crit and m.atk gem she can heal serious amount heal. Personally I saw 80k heal on cross server battle.
    • You don’t have lots of choice in here, Mermaid < Djinni

  • ·         DPS: In this game (at least until 61 in orange and purple heroes) AOE dmg is not good as it should be. That’s why only one beast step up and deal most of dmg after your main hero: Night Sentinel. Personally after main hero he is in my 2nd upgrade list. Great single target dmg especially great for World and Guild bosses.
    • Strange thing there are lots of AOE dps in game but when you compare to single target dps heroes they are pretty low output and inability to KO enemy. So better focus per enemy at a time. Angels deal pretty much HUGE dmg for you anyway.
    • Nightblade < Pyrona < Blood Baroness < Night Sentinel


GEMS are really important for heroes.

  • Main hero : Attack , HP, Crit, Dodge and Agility
    • Attack, Crit for DMG, HP and Dodge for survivability (especially for
      everything “last man standing” situations”)
      , Agility for attacking first.
  • Healer/DPS :  Attack , HP, Crit, Hit and Agility
    • Hit instead of dodge, we want to make sure our healer and dps gain rage and not to suffer from enemy tanks’ dodge.
  • Tanks: Attack , HP, M.Def, P.Def and Dodge
    • Tanks should be solid that’s why we use them as a barrier. Most of tanks low at dps but can be very protective. End gem is also interesting choice but should be tested for against enemy back row crit dmg.